
Geocoding is the "gateway" to RMS risk analysis and a prerequisite for all catastrophe modelling processes. Geocoding converts the physical address of a location into a spatial reference system that can be recognized by a model. Locations must be geocoded at some level to be compatible with model data. Addresses that do not geocode do not return loss results at all.

Geocode Addresses

In RMS applications, "geocoding" is the process of enriching a location exposure with geolocation data that precisely identifies the global coordinates of a site.

The Location API Geocoding Address services enable clients to geocode locations using geocoding data products.

Location Intelligence supports four versions of the Geocode Address data product: 18.0, 18.1, 21.0, and 22.0.

Geocode Lookups

The Location Intelligence API enables lookups of the admin1, admin2, country, postalCode reference tables.

  • The Country reference table contains country-level geolocation data including the countryIso2a, countryFips, countryRmsCode, countryName, and countryRmsCode attributes. Location Intelligence supports five versions of the Country data product: 18.0, 18.1, 20.0, 21.0, and 22.0.
  • The Admin1 data reference table that contains admin1-level geolocation data including the admin1Code, admin1Name, and admin1GeoId attributes. Location Intelligence supports five versions of the Geocode Admin1 data product: 18.0, 18.1, 20.0, 21.0, and 22.0.
  • The Admin2 reference table contains admin2-level geolocation data including the admin2Code, admin2Name, and admin2GeoId attributes. Location Intelligence supports five versions of the Geocode Admin2 data product: 18.0, 18.1, 20.0, 21.0, and 22.0.
  • The Postal Code reference table contains postal code-level geolocation data including the postalCodeGeoId, postalCode, cityGeoId, and cityName attributes. Location Intelligence supports five versions of the Geocode Postal Code data product: 18.0, 18.1, 20.0, 21.0, and 22.0.


Geocoding consists of two related processes. First, geocoding translates local address data (street names and numbers) into global coordinates (latitude and longitude) that are more amenable to data analysis. Global coordinates facilitate complex spatial operations, such as the calculation of distances. Second, geocoding validates and enriches address data (ZIP codes, cities) so that RMS models can better leverage address databases during the modeling process.

The latitude, longitude, and related geocoding information are required to perform hazard, vulnerability, and inventory data lookups on locations as well as subsequent detailed loss model analyses. In general, RMS peril models can perform much more precise analyses with latitude-longitude coordinates than through address validation alone. Nevertheless, even simple validation allows RMS applications to match some part of an address with internal model data for later use in an analysis.